Sunday, September 26, 2010

Some of my Favs

This is one of my favorite shots, the lighting was so perfect and softly diffused by the overcast sky. We actually got rained on I think a few minutes after this was taken! We found this nice wheat field right next to a park we go to regularly. Strange place to grow wheat, but it worked out so great for us!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I am very excited to begin this great adventure of starting my own studio. That's a funny thing to say since I don't really have a studio space yet...

I do on location photography. I love the freedom it gives me and the push to think outside the box so I suppose I feel just fine starting out with no studio.

As I continue to build my portfolio I want to thank the people who have been brave enough to model for me. Jenny,  I know you almost lost your sight as you were blinded by the sun. My darling daughter who is sure to turn posing for the camera into her profession. To Maia, who is sexy without me even having to ask her to be. And my dear sister who thought that when she asked me take her senior portraits I would make the process less painful...was so wrong!

Thanks everyone and enjoy!